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Thursday, 1 September 2016

Sarah Palin's definition of "leadership" and mine could not be any more different.

Yes because rolling over like a beaten cur while sharing the stage with the man you have been talking smack about for over a year, only to puff out your chest like a playground bully when back in front of your supporters and completely misrepresenting that interaction, is exactly what comes to mind when one thinks of the word "leadership."

Though to be fair a woman who quit her job at around the mid-way point to run off to make money off of ghostwritten books and poorly produced reality shows may not be the best person to define that word for all of us.

If Sarah Palin is REALLY looking for somebody who exemplifies leadership I think I have her man.

Standing firm against impossible odds? Check.

Leading the country out of a recession? Check.

Inspiring loyalty in those around him? Check.

Leaving the country in far better shape than how he found it? Double check.

Having the right color of skin to win support from the white nationalists, like Sarah Palin? Oh, that's right.


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