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Friday, 2 September 2016

Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, who works for the Trump campaign has to sign a nondisclosure form.

This is one of the things that you are no allowed to disclose.
Courtesy of Think Progress: 

Corey Lewandowski is a CNN contributor even though he’s subject to a nondisclosure agreement legally prohibiting him from criticizing Trump, his family, or any of his businesses. Suffice it to say Trump’s former campaign manager has lived up to his end of the bargain — Lewandowski basically serves as a paid Trump campaign source during his CNN appearances. (Seriously what is the point of even having this guy on staff?)

On the other side of the spectrum, Trump recently filed a $10 million lawsuit against former senior campaign consultant Sam Nunberg for allegedly violating that same NDA. As ThinkProgress previously wrote, Trump accused Nunberg of “leaking information to the New York Post about a public fight and romantic affair between two other Trump campaign staffers in May.” 

Both Lewandowski and Nunberg were high-ranking Trump staffers, and it’s somewhat understandable Trump wants to prevent the sort of sensitive information they’re privy to from going public. But on Thursday, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported that even online volunteers who merely want to phone bank for Trump must sign that same more than 2,200 word NDA, even though most of them will never meet Trump or his family. 

On some level I kind of understand this, I mean if I were Donald Trump I would NEVER want anybody to tell the truth about me.

But putting that aside the fact that even low level phone bank volunteers have to sign them speaks to a level of paranoia that should trouble anyone who supports Trump or who thinks he might someday become the President.

By the way, do you know who else makes EVERYBODY sign NDA's?

That's right, EVERYBODY.

I actually already knew that on some level, since some of my sources dropped off of the radar ostensibly for that reason, but after talking to Levi Johnston I found that she really gives Trump a run for the title of Prince (Or Princess) of Paranoia.

So for those of you who keep asking why people who know the truth about Palin are staying silent, I think that this might help you to better understand their position.


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