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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

So it appears that Ivanka Trump was actually the one who decided to launch a missile attack against Syria. I'm sorry, when was she elected president again?

Syria made me very upset Daddy. Bomb them...bomb them all.
Courtesy of The Telegraph:

(Eric Trump) also confirmed that President Trump’s decision to bomb a Syrian airbase to punish President Bashar al-Assad for a nerve gas attack last week was influenced by the reaction of his sister Ivanka, who said she was “heartbroken and outraged” by the atrocity.

So let me get this straight.

We just launched an illegal attack against a sovereign country, without first seeking the approval of Congress, because Ivanka Trump was traumatized by some photographs?

Don't get me wrong I was upset by those photographs as well, as I am sure many of us were.

However having an emotional response to a picture is not what should determine a military response.

Especially if that emotional response was from your grown ass daughter who is not currently holding an elected position or seat on your cabinet.

I have to imagine that if we were living in an alternative universe where Hillary Clinton won the election, that if Chelsea approached her sobbing over a photograph and saying that we need do something, her mother would have informed her that they already had a plan in place, and to suck it up because there is no crying in the Oval Office.

By the way in this same article Uday...I'm sorry...Eric also said this: 

Donald Trump’s decision to launch a cruise missile attack on Syria proved he is not in league with Russia and will not be “pushed around” by Vladimir Putin

Uh it doesn't. 

But nice try.


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