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Friday, 30 September 2016

Donald Trump directs Twitter rampage at former Miss USA contestant who he fat shamed.

Started by going after CNN.
And then branched of to go after the media in general.
But then he revealed his true target.

Not the times on these. He literally woke up in the middle of the night and decided that these were tweets that needed to be seen by his followers and the American people.

By the way the allegations that Machado made a sex tape appear to be false.

However even if she had made one, who cares? 

After all SHE'S not running to be President of the United States.

And besides Donald Trump claims to love Paris Hilton like a daughter (And lust after like one too.) and she made perhaps the most famous sex tape in sex tape history.

I swear this guy gets more disgusting every single day.


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