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Sunday, 15 April 2018

Teacher leaves gun in Pennsylvania Christian school bathroom, where it is found by students.

Courtesy of CBS News:

A teacher at a Pennsylvania Christian school accidently left her loaded pistol in a bathroom, where elementary school children found it, Pennsylvania State Police said Tuesday. 

Beth Jean Dixon, 63, put her holstered pistol on a toilet tank when she used the unisex, one-toilet bathroom Aug. 25 at Cumberland Christian School, in Chambersburg, police said. They said she forgot about it and left. 

Four children, ages 6 to 8, used the bathroom while the gun was on the toilet. One child told his parent, who told a teacher. 

Dixon informed administrators what happened and immediately resigned from the school about 55 miles southwest of Harrisburg, police said. 

No one was injured.

We talked just yesterday about a scenario where school children might find a loaded gun.

Fortunately for everybody concerned here the students were far more responsible than the teacher and and nobody was hurt.

Once again, guns do NOT keep us safe.

They introduce a deadly force into an environment which literally anybody could wield it to take a life or cause grievous bodily injury. 


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