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Sunday, 28 August 2016

Sarah Palin receives a facial injury and in response attacks Hillary Clinton over her health.

Sarah Palin "fell on some rocks" and it made her angry at the first female presidential candidate.
Courtesy of Clumsy Clara's Facebook page: 

Leave Hillary Alone, Bullies 

Aww, c'mon guys, give her a break. Anyone can be out of commission.... for weeks on end... whilst in the heat of battle for the highest office in the land. (If anybody has been paying attention to the news they will quickly realize that Hillary has been anything but "out of commission.") No press conferences for nearly a year? No scheduled campaign events for days upon days? No statements, no answers, no accountability, no problem. Layin' low to run out the clock before November, but you're SEXIST for noticing it. 

(That is a pretty bold charge coming from a woman who once inspired these.)

And you're MISOGYNIST for questioning a female's fitness. Good thing media didn't hound the crap out of '08 candidate John McCain for his decades-old military medical records or I'd guess them to be hypocrites. 

Leave Hillary alone! All that email-evidenced yoga, and wedding planning, and cookie-baking-grandma-duty wears you out. Believe you me. 

Heck, even those of us claiming to be fit as a (seasoned?) fiddle, hit bumps in the wellness road. Even I. Especially I. (Remember Piper's middle name is "Grace"; mine isn't.) 

Rock-running recently, I tripped over my own two feet and crashed & burned face-first. I recovered with the doc's SuperGlue, and now any man who asks "what happened?" I'll refer to as just a mean ol' SEXIST bully. (Well that has been your go to response for years now.)

Glad for Hillary's protective media's precedence. The next woman running for POTUS has no need to answer to much of anything, for we've got weddings to plan, and Down Dogs to do, and cookies in the oven! So just leave us alone, boys. 

- Sarah Palin 

Palin then goes on to link to a bunch of those already disproven conspiracy theories about Hillary's health.

In the body of her post Palin suggests that she is playing down her injury, but there are three photos on her Facebook page which accentuates it.

Here is another one of them.

 Kind of reminds me of this one from March.

Boy those Palins are sure an accident prone bunch.

I mean if I were somebody who went off chasing every conspiracy theory out there I might start to wonder if there is not something more going on here.

You know, if I were that type.


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