Track with his punching bag Jordan Loewe. |
On meeting Sarah Palin, and spitting in her coffee:
Most of the time Sarah would just would just show up at the office and expect the whole world to stop for her. Thankfully, she wouldn’t come by frequently so we only had to put up with her a few times. That changed when the frequency of her visits started to increase during the fall of 2007. She went from visiting every few months to every few weeks. After a few of her visits I started to develop a distaste for the dear Governor because she hardly showed anyone any respect, but she expected everyone to ‘come to’ for her. As time went on, and my patience started to run thin, I started to pay more attention to how her visits went. One of the things I noticed, other than her absolutely wretched attitude to anyone wearing the uniform was that she would always go into the Commander’s office and ask for a cup of coffee. It didn’t take too long until I decided that I had reached my snapping point. It was then that I decided to add something special to the governors regular coffee: a little taste of my saliva.
For the record I am really grossed out by this and would never recommend that somebody do anything so disgusting.
On the other hand this IS Sarah Palin, and I can understand the impulse.
On Palin's meetings with the base Commander and Track's preferential treatment:
As much of America knows her son Track Palin joined the military in the fall of 2007. Right around the time the visits from the dear Governor increased in their frequency. One of the things I noticed with each passing visit was not only my frustration with the Governor but also the increasing frustration of the Commander. He clearly did not like her stopping in. There was one meeting in particular that I remember like it was yesterday.
It was the dead of winter in Alaska and that’s often when most things in Alaska start to slow down. For the command team at 1/25 though that certainly wasn’t the case. The Governor did her routine random stop in early one morning and asked to talk to the commander. I, of course, did my job and coordinated the meeting. The meeting lasted anywhere from 20-30 minutes and the Governor left quickly; we could tell she was in somewhat of a hurry. The Commander bellowed to me, “Get the commander of 3-21 on the horn right away and tell him I want him down here now.” I did again did what I was told to do and arranged the meeting.
This is where I went out of my normal bounds. I could tell the Commander was upset and I had to ask what was going on. He then told me in no so many words that the Governor’s son Track would be joining our brigade and he had to ensure he was kept safe in the Headquarters Company of 3-21 Infantry. I could tell this frustrated the Commander and it certainly frustrated me, more now than it did at the time. What other soldier that enlists gets to go back to their home state? What other soldier gets their parent involved to influence where they’re stationed? What other soldier gets to be kept safe? No one, other than those in positions of power and influence.
On hearing Palin use Track's supposed PTSD as an excuse for punching his girlfriend:
For the years following Sarah Palin has been constantly in our faces because for some reason the media can’t just let her fade into obscurity. I have heard her say thousands of times how proud she was of her combat veteran son and how amazing he was as a person. This weekend though she went too far when she used PTSD as a justification of her son’s battery of his spouse. PTSD is a horrible condition that many veterans face and have to struggle with every day. Out of the thousands of veterans I know managing the condition, I have never heard of a single one using their PTSD as an excuse for their behavior. To me, this is entirely unacceptable and it just reminds me of how disgusting of a person Sarah Palin is and was. It seems like she will use her offspring to do whatever she can as pawns to further her influence in the media or politics. Simply put: it’s disgusting.
On Track being discharged:
Track joins the military just in time to deploy with a unit that was stationed out of Fort Wainwright, Alaska. While deployed she suddenly gets picked as the Vice Presidential Candidate. Then, shortly after the deployment Track is discharged from the active duty after serving a little over two years.
Once discharged Track was transferred to the National Guard and just happens to be stationed as a recruiter back in his hometown.
This is the first I have heard that Track is working as a recruiter, but I have to wonder if being outed as a abusive prick makes him better at that job or gets him taken off that job?
So essentially everything we have heard about Track being coddled and protected from harm, has now been proven true. IF of course this young man is telling the truth.
I will leave it up to you to decide.