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Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Parents of two men killed in Benghazi attack file federal lawsuit against Hillary Clinton.

Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune:

The parents of two men killed in Benghazi, Libya nearly four years ago are suing former Secretary of State and current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, saying the attack resulted from her “reckless” handling of classified information. 

The federal lawsuit, filed Monday, comes from Patricia Smith of San Diego, whose son Sean Smith was a U.S. State Department technology officer, and Charles Woods of Portland, Ore., whose son Tyrone Woods was CIA security contractor. 

Four people, including Smith and Woods, died after an anti-American militia group attacked the U.S. diplomatic compound on Sept. 11, 2012. 

Since then, Clinton and the question of what responsibility she may have had for those deaths prompted a two-year inquiry that revealed she had used a private email server for government business. 

A yearlong FBI investigation followed, which found no grounds on which to prosecute her.

You know every time I think I have witnessed the lowest depths to which the Republican party will go to defeat Hillary Clinton I rediscover that there really is no bottom.

Manipulating grieving parents into filing a baseless lawsuit for political gain is right up there with holding a gun to a puppy's head and demanding money.

Of course more than likely this will get tossed out of court due to a lack of evidence, because there is nothing in Hillary Clinton's handling of her e-mails that has anything to do with the attack in Benghazi.

This is just another GOP fishing expedition trying to dig up more dirt on Hillary, and using these grieving parents as bait.

Simply disgusting.


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