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Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Hillary Clinton preemptively accepts debate schedule. So Donald Trump suggests that perhaps she should be assassinated.

Courtesy of CNN:

On Monday night, seemingly out of the blue, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta released a statement saying that Clinton "looks forward to participating in all three presidential debates" that are scheduled in September and October. 

"The only issue now is whether Donald Trump is going to show up," Podesta added. 

The statement wasn't a response to any new remark by Trump or any official invitation by the Commission on Presidential Debates. 

In fact, the invites haven't gone out yet. 

The Clinton campaign may be trying to put Trump on defense -- or pre-empt any more complaints from him about the debate schedule.

I think we all remember that Donald Trump started complaining that the debates were opposite two NFL games, which apparently are more important to Trump's demographic than watching two politicians argue with each other.

That got a lot of folks in the media talking about the possibility that Trump was trying to find a way to skip the debates and save himself from the embarrassment of having his ass handed to him by a woman.

Now with this move Clinton has boxed him in and if he tries to avoid the debates her campaign will simply accuse him of being afraid, and THAT is definitely something that he will not be able to handle.

In response to this news Donald Trump said this:

“I will absolutely do three debates,” Trump told TIME in a phone interview. “I want to debate very badly. But I have to see the conditions.”

I would imagine that the conditions would be that he be given the questions ahead of time, the allowing of note cards, and of course having duct tape placed over Hillary's mouth.

Because those are the only ways that Trump has any chance.

Oh well I guess he does have one other option.

Courtesy of CNN:

Donald Trump set off a fierce new controversy Tuesday with remarks about the right to bear arms that were interpreted by many as a threat of violence against Hillary Clinton. 

"Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know," Trump said.

So, too much of a pussy to debate Hillary, and now he is calling for one of his supporters to gun her down.

Is it any wonder that the establishment Republicans are fleeing this candidate by the boatload?


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