Courtesy of Raw Story:.@FEMA will be w/Puerto Rico, USVI, every state, territory impacted by a disaster every day, supporting throughout their response & recovery— Eileen Lainez (@FEMAspox) October 12, 2017
In a tweet Thursday afternoon, FEMA spokeswoman Eileen Lainez wrote that the agency “will be w/Puerto Rico, USVI, every state, territory impacted by a disaster every day, supporting throughout their response & recovery.”
Her tweet came five hours after Trump took to Twitter to say the island’s financial crisis “looms largely of their own making” and is due to the poor state of its infrastructure and electrical system and its governor’s “total lack of … accountability.”
Shortly after her initial tweet, Lainez sent FEMA’s latest update on support to Puerto Rico through the social media platform, a reminder that it will take time for the U.S. territory of 3.4 million people to recover, but that residents are seeing some services being restored.
“FEMA, in coordination and partnership with 36 federal departments and agencies, remains focused on helping the people of the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico with life-sustaining commodities and other essential services,” the agency stated in its press release from Wednesday. “As more businesses open and public services are restored, quality of life will continue to improve for many residents.”
Well it's good that some people still understand the responsibility of government.
It's like everybody's job these days is explaining what the president meant, or telling people to ignore him altogether.