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Sunday, 10 July 2016

Hillary Clinton finds one of those small business owners Donald Trump is always bragging about helping.

I found this to be an especially effective ad.

And it works even better because it speaks right to Trump's main selling point. That he understands business and will bring more jobs to the country.

Really? He could not even improve the wages of the people who worked directly for him.

In other news that Donald Trump is going to hate, according to Mother Jones Hillary Clinton appears to be all but unbeatable:

Hillary Clinton is 9 points ahead of Donald Trump regardless of whether Gary Johnson is in the race. A subsequent question makes clear there's very little wiggle room here: among voters who support a candidate, nearly all of them say their choice is firm. Bottom line: there are very few undecided voters—who will probably break pretty evenly anyway—and everyone else says their minds are solidly made up. 

 So does Trump have a chance? Sure—though it's slipping away. Voters are pretty non-thrilled with their choices this year, which means that turnout could make an even bigger difference than usual. But running a ground game requires lots of money and great organization, both of which Trump lacks. At this point, then, it looks like Trump's only real chance is some kind of dramatic external event that suddenly turns voters his way. But I'm no longer sure what that could be. Serious economic problems are unlikely over the next 17 weeks, and terrorist attacks don't seem to help him in the polls. So what is there?

Personally I would assume that the answer to that last question is "nothing."

In fact even fellow Republicans are so disgusted with their choice this year that some of them are trying to work it so that THEY can choose his VP candidate for him.

Yep, that's what you want to do to a control freak, take the control away from him.

I expect a Trumplosian of epic proportions.


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