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Saturday, 2 July 2016

So let's address the Bill Clinton/Lorretta Lynch kerfuffle.

For those who have not turned on their TV's for the past 48 hours: 

A meeting this week between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton is creating headaches for Hillary Clinton's campaign. 

Lynch and Bill Clinton met privately in Phoenix Monday after the two realized they were on the same tarmac, an aide to the former president said. The encounter took place ahead of the public release Tuesday morning of the House Benghazi Committee's report on the 2012 attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya. 

The meeting is raising questions about whether the independence of the Justice Department, which is conducting an investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server, might have been compromised.

Are you clutching your pearls yet?

Well if not then you are probably more intelligent than most.

First off for this to deserve even a scintilla of the news coverage that it is receiving you have to believe that Loretta Lynch, a woman that typically both Republicans and Democrats agree has impeccable integrity, would allow herself to be influenced by the former president.

Secondly you would have to believe that Bill Clinton would choose to meet Lynch in such a public venue in order to exert that influence, rather than to meet her in a more private location or to simply phone her at his leisure.

Thirdly people keep talking about "the optics" of this interaction considering the fact that Hillary in under investigation. But through WHOSE optics are seeing this interaction?

From my point of view this does not even come close to rising to the level of scandal, and if I read about it without all of the hyperbolic language I would think nothing of it. Nothing.

However if I am looking at it through the eyes of a conservative or Bernie-bot desperately scouring the internet for something to be outraged about concerning Hillary and her campaign, then "ding, ding, ding," apparently we have a winner.

But is it a winner?

Fuck no!

It is yet another tiny molehill, piled with bullshit until it appears to be a mountain.

(Hey, do you all remember the time that Bill visited that polling place in Massachusetts and stole the election for Hillary? Yeah, it's like that.)

So right around this part of the post is where the trolls start searching for that article which talks about Hillary's meeting with the FBI today.

Here let me save them the trouble:

"Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was Secretary," Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in an email Saturday afternoon. "She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion. Out of respect for the investigative process, she will not comment further on her interview."

And then they will follow that up by also sending me a link to an article where Loretta Lynch says that she will do whatever the FBI recommends when they submit their report. (Here you go)

And then with what I would assume is a huge shit eating grin on their face the troll will sit back in that beanbag chair in their parent's basement and say, "There I told you she was screwed."

Except that of course she's not.

Let's take a moment to remind ourselves that the FBI answers to Attorney General Lynch, and that despite what she might say publicly she knows full well what they are investigating and what evidence that have accumulated.

Then let us remind ourselves that she was appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama, who is determined to see his legacy protected by the next President elected to office.

Now acknowledging those two things should we actually entertain the possibility that Loretta Lynch would publicly say that she will abide by the FBI's report if she did not KNOW for a fact that Hillary Clinton was going to be completely exonerated?

Of course not.

Like I said, molehills piled up with bullshit until they appear to be mountains.


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