Courtesy of the "Cersei Lannister School of Mothering" graduate's Facebook page:
"Make America Safe Again" Convention - So Far, So Good . (Really? What convention is she watching?)
From 3000 miles up North, it's good to hear the GOP Convention is going well. It should strengthen faith that real hope and positive change can be on the way for the next generation. (Once again, WTF?)
I hear the convention TelePrompTer was abandoned during one speech last night, harkening back to the 2008 VP Nomination speech when the GOP Convention TelePrompTer let me just let 'et rip. (Oh God, not the teleprompter lie again.) Funny, while I was just now looking up '08 media coverage of that broken TelePrompTer during my speech, it appears the lamestream media lied about the issue then, and still lies about it. The more things change, the more they stay the same with the LSM still just "making things up!" (And they wonder why they're so distrusted and despised?) Because I have a life and I ignore the media haters (Ha!), I'd been unaware all these years that reporters denied the TelePrompTer glitch ever happened. (Well of course it's a lie that she was "unaware," but the accounts saying the teleprompter was working were from eyewitnesses in the audience that night.) Silly, silly irrelevant reporters... did they really think some campaign speech writer fed the TelePrompTer my ad-libbed comments like the "Hockey Mom & Pitbull with Lipstick" joke? (Actually yes. they did.)
Have a great day, America! Thinking of you under Alaska's penetrating summer sun and today's 70-degree forecast up here in God's country! (Well she got this part right, it is hotter than hell up here right now.)
- Sarah Palin
Personally I think that Palin smeared sugar or chocolate on her lips to get Trig to kiss her like that.
Or maybe Trig simply finished his anger management classes and can now be next to his absentee mother without trying to knock her block off.
Poor kid.
Speaking of the not so poor kids, people have been asking me if Track Palin is in jail.
No he is not.
Or whether of not he is in some inpatient substance abuse program.
Again, no.
He may be attending some outpatient therapy, as directed by the Veteran's Court, but currently from what I have been told he is free to walk among his fellow woman beaters in Wasilla. (Remember in the Mat-Su Valley one in two women are the victim of domestic abuse.)
Track's next court date is on July 25th, but I have little doubt that it is only a formality as mommy has already fixed everything so that her first born will never have to face the consequences of his actions.
If I were a member of that family I would always sleep with my door locked. Because really, it's only a matter of time.
"Make America Safe Again" Convention - So Far, So Good . (Really? What convention is she watching?)
From 3000 miles up North, it's good to hear the GOP Convention is going well. It should strengthen faith that real hope and positive change can be on the way for the next generation. (Once again, WTF?)
I hear the convention TelePrompTer was abandoned during one speech last night, harkening back to the 2008 VP Nomination speech when the GOP Convention TelePrompTer let me just let 'et rip. (Oh God, not the teleprompter lie again.) Funny, while I was just now looking up '08 media coverage of that broken TelePrompTer during my speech, it appears the lamestream media lied about the issue then, and still lies about it. The more things change, the more they stay the same with the LSM still just "making things up!" (And they wonder why they're so distrusted and despised?) Because I have a life and I ignore the media haters (Ha!), I'd been unaware all these years that reporters denied the TelePrompTer glitch ever happened. (Well of course it's a lie that she was "unaware," but the accounts saying the teleprompter was working were from eyewitnesses in the audience that night.) Silly, silly irrelevant reporters... did they really think some campaign speech writer fed the TelePrompTer my ad-libbed comments like the "Hockey Mom & Pitbull with Lipstick" joke? (Actually yes. they did.)
Have a great day, America! Thinking of you under Alaska's penetrating summer sun and today's 70-degree forecast up here in God's country! (Well she got this part right, it is hotter than hell up here right now.)
- Sarah Palin
Personally I think that Palin smeared sugar or chocolate on her lips to get Trig to kiss her like that.
Or maybe Trig simply finished his anger management classes and can now be next to his absentee mother without trying to knock her block off.
Poor kid.
Speaking of the not so poor kids, people have been asking me if Track Palin is in jail.
No he is not.
Or whether of not he is in some inpatient substance abuse program.
Again, no.
He may be attending some outpatient therapy, as directed by the Veteran's Court, but currently from what I have been told he is free to walk among his fellow woman beaters in Wasilla. (Remember in the Mat-Su Valley one in two women are the victim of domestic abuse.)
Track's next court date is on July 25th, but I have little doubt that it is only a formality as mommy has already fixed everything so that her first born will never have to face the consequences of his actions.
If I were a member of that family I would always sleep with my door locked. Because really, it's only a matter of time.