Courtesy of Salon:
A dozen armed white men marched around outside the Republican National Convention in downtown Cleveland on Monday afternoon.
Salon spoke with the men, who call themselves the West Ohio Minutemen.
Tim Alexander, 32, identified the group as a right-wing “militia,” and said they are from Mercer County, Ohio.
“We’re tired of the way the country’s going,” Alexander explained.
He condemned “the over-reaching government.” When asked what he meant by that, Alexander claimed that the U.S. government is using mass shootings to impose harsh gun control measures — although none have yet been passed.
Alexander said he opposes all gun laws.
When asked what they do, they claimed that they "help people," and apparently they do so with the AR-15's, AK-47's and G3 assault rifles strapped to their chests.
How we have reached day three of this convention without anybody being shot or killed, is beyond me.
But if I had to guess I would attribute that to the incredible police presence.
The police even managed to rescue Alex Jones after he attempted to create a conflict with the other protesters and almost got his ass kicked.
Personally I might have actually allowed that to happen.
Guess that's why I'm not a cop.
A dozen armed white men marched around outside the Republican National Convention in downtown Cleveland on Monday afternoon.
Salon spoke with the men, who call themselves the West Ohio Minutemen.
Tim Alexander, 32, identified the group as a right-wing “militia,” and said they are from Mercer County, Ohio.
“We’re tired of the way the country’s going,” Alexander explained.
He condemned “the over-reaching government.” When asked what he meant by that, Alexander claimed that the U.S. government is using mass shootings to impose harsh gun control measures — although none have yet been passed.
Alexander said he opposes all gun laws.
When asked what they do, they claimed that they "help people," and apparently they do so with the AR-15's, AK-47's and G3 assault rifles strapped to their chests.
How we have reached day three of this convention without anybody being shot or killed, is beyond me.
But if I had to guess I would attribute that to the incredible police presence.
The police even managed to rescue Alex Jones after he attempted to create a conflict with the other protesters and almost got his ass kicked.
Personally I might have actually allowed that to happen.
Guess that's why I'm not a cop.