Courtesy of Politico:
It’s one of the most uncomfortable and important jobs in Democratic politics: trying to embarrass the woman who could be the next president.
The person picked to be Hillary Clinton's sparring partner in her upcoming debate prep sessions is expected to confront her about the death of Vincent Foster, label her as a rapist's enabler, and invoke the personally painful memories of Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers.
Clinton’s team is beginning its preparation ahead of the first general election debate scheduled for Sept. 26 at Hofstra University. And one of the key components of that prep, campaign allies said, is finding a person who can stand in as Donald Trump during mock debates and launch personal attacks on the former secretary of state that will make the real Trump look tame by comparison.
“It needs to be someone who is naturally smart, glib and utterly irreverent,” said Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, who oversaw debate prep for Al Gore. “You can’t learn to be utterly irreverent.”
When I first read this I thought that Hillary has already seen how low Trump can go, so she is probably already prepared. That is unless he has the Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness in his corner.
And then I read this:
Roger Ailes, the former Fox News chairman ousted last month over charges of sexual harassment, is advising Donald J. Trump as he begins to prepare for the all-important presidential debates this fall.
Mr. Ailes is aiding Mr. Trump’s team as it turns its attention to the first debate with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, on Sept. 26 on Long Island, according to three people briefed on the move, who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.
Two of them said that Mr. Ailes’s role could extend beyond the debates, which Mr. Trump’s advisers see as crucial to vaulting him back into strong contention for the presidency after a series of self-inflicted wounds that have eroded his standing in public opinion polls.
So the man who would defeat the Clintons is being aided by the man who created an entire cable news outlet to do just that.
If I were Hillary I would use that against Trump, like so:
"So did that incredibly misogynistic and ugly question come from one of your many alter egos, John Miller of John Barron perhaps, or from that serial sexual abuser who is now advising you?"
I actually heard one of Trump's surrogates suggesting that Hillary will try to find some way our of these debates. But I disagree, I think she is chomping at the bit to rip this idiot a new asshole in front of the American people.
And I would imagine that no matter on which day or time it is scheduled that very few people are going to miss it.
I know I won't.
It’s one of the most uncomfortable and important jobs in Democratic politics: trying to embarrass the woman who could be the next president.
The person picked to be Hillary Clinton's sparring partner in her upcoming debate prep sessions is expected to confront her about the death of Vincent Foster, label her as a rapist's enabler, and invoke the personally painful memories of Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers.
Clinton’s team is beginning its preparation ahead of the first general election debate scheduled for Sept. 26 at Hofstra University. And one of the key components of that prep, campaign allies said, is finding a person who can stand in as Donald Trump during mock debates and launch personal attacks on the former secretary of state that will make the real Trump look tame by comparison.
“It needs to be someone who is naturally smart, glib and utterly irreverent,” said Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, who oversaw debate prep for Al Gore. “You can’t learn to be utterly irreverent.”
When I first read this I thought that Hillary has already seen how low Trump can go, so she is probably already prepared. That is unless he has the Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness in his corner.
And then I read this:
Roger Ailes, the former Fox News chairman ousted last month over charges of sexual harassment, is advising Donald J. Trump as he begins to prepare for the all-important presidential debates this fall.
Mr. Ailes is aiding Mr. Trump’s team as it turns its attention to the first debate with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, on Sept. 26 on Long Island, according to three people briefed on the move, who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.
Two of them said that Mr. Ailes’s role could extend beyond the debates, which Mr. Trump’s advisers see as crucial to vaulting him back into strong contention for the presidency after a series of self-inflicted wounds that have eroded his standing in public opinion polls.
So the man who would defeat the Clintons is being aided by the man who created an entire cable news outlet to do just that.
If I were Hillary I would use that against Trump, like so:
"So did that incredibly misogynistic and ugly question come from one of your many alter egos, John Miller of John Barron perhaps, or from that serial sexual abuser who is now advising you?"
I actually heard one of Trump's surrogates suggesting that Hillary will try to find some way our of these debates. But I disagree, I think she is chomping at the bit to rip this idiot a new asshole in front of the American people.
And I would imagine that no matter on which day or time it is scheduled that very few people are going to miss it.
I know I won't.