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Saturday, 2 July 2016

Sarah Palin fills her Facebook page with adoring comments directed at her from Twitter.

Play your cards right Willow and maybe I can find you a husband like I did for you sister.
So we have already mocked that barely attended conservative conference in Colorado, where Palin joined Cheeto Jesus on stage to rain down their patented brand of lunacy on the attendees.

So while we laughed at the fact that hardly anybody showed up and most of the media coverage focused on Palin's batshit crazy attacks on the Never Trump crowd, the Wendigo herself really seemed proud of it.

Here are just some of the pictures that she posted on Facebook:

Noticing a theme?

Yep after years of getting ridiculed by the press, and attacked by many former conservative supporters, Palin finds herself bombarded by the tweeted kindness of the unwashed morons who would actually attend or watch a conference like this one.

 No matter how small of a number that might be.

And she loved it so much she wanted to make sure everybody saw it for themselves.

"That's right Glenn Beck, Matt Lewis, and Facebook fair weather friends, these people still love me!"

Of course it probably helps that whoever put up the graphics undoubtedly weeded out the large number of negative comments that were tweeted along with the handful of positive ones.

But hey, a tiny bit of adulation is still a tiny bit of adulation.


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