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Wednesday, 19 July 2017

So I guess it's time to address this Kid Rock thing.

That was from the folks at Breitbart which is why it probably made you want to hurl red, and white, and blue vomit all over your shoes.

I have an old Google alert for Sarah Palin, so I have been receiving almost constant updates on Kid Rock's supposed run for the Senate.

At first I ignored it as simply a ply to get attention, which may explain why they came up in Google alerts for Sarah Palin, but they just keep coming.

And now it appears that this idiot might be serious.
If the election of Donald Trump has taught us anything it is that there are ungodly amounts of stupid people in this country.

And unfortunately stupid people are just educated well enough to vote for idiots like Donald Trump and Kid Rock.

Apparently this knuckle dragger would be going up against Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat who has held that seat since 2001.

Could he win?

Hell yes he could win.

And then we will have yet one more incredibly unqualified moron in office helping to screw up the country.


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