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Friday, 15 July 2016

It's official Donald Trump chooses Indiana Governor, and homeopathic insomnia cure, Mike Pence to be his running mate.

That's right Peter Graves stand in and renowned cigarette truther (Smoking doesn't kill dammit!) Mike Pence has beaten out the hordes of disinterested people named by know nothing media types for the job of Trump knob polisher extraordinaire.

Which, accordion to their new logo, may not be an actual exaggeration.

Is anybody else having trouble NOT imagining that P sliding up and down on the T's appendage?

Now Pence faces a dystopic future of crushing defeat and failed political dreams accompanied by a soundtrack of mocking laughter provided by the progressive voters.

Somewhere in the shadows Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich are raising a glass to the gods of dodged bullets


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