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Friday, 14 October 2016

Today's Trump Dump. Not quite as sleazy as yesterday's, but you know still pretty bad.

As predicted these disgusting Donald Trump stories continue to bubble to the surface. so one again I am going to share some of the newly revealed stuff from yesterday.

One of the things that we learned yesterday is that Donald Trump is not a racist. Just so long as you are the "right kind of black."

Here let former Teen Miss USA Kamie Crawford explain it to you:

Fortunately things worked out just fine for Miss Crawford.
I ma going to assume that what made Crawford the "right kind of black" is that she had a pu**y that he wanted to grab.

So now we have racism out of the way how about disgusting behavior towards handicapped people?

Such as Academy award winning actress Marlee Matlin: 

Just in case you thought Donald Trump was insufficiently awful: He repeatedly called a deaf actress “retarded,” three sources tell The Daily Beast.

In 2011, Matlin, who is still the only deaf actor or actress to win an Academy Award for best actress, appeared on Trump’s NBC reality-TV series. By the end of the season, she had come in second place and earned her fair share of compliments from Trump in the aired footage. But according to three longtime staffers who worked on Matlin’s season of Celebrity Apprentice, Trump would regularly disrespect the actress and would even treat her as if she were mentally disabled. 

Sometimes the insults would be behind her back; other times they would be right in front of her.

Apparently non-disclosure agreements keep Matlin from talking about this publicly, but it certainly does fall in line with what we already know about Trump.

I am sure that any minute Sarah Palin will go after Trump for using the "R" word. Ah who are we kidding, he could poop on her head and she would still support him.

(By the way for the record I loved Matlin in "Children of a Lesser God" and think she is a brilliant actress. I also think that Donald Trump is a douchebag, but I think we have already established that.)

What's that you say? This is not nearly as sleazy as what we heard yesterday?

Well then take a little gander at this:

Lisa Boyne, CEO of a health food company, claims that in the summer of 1996 she saw Trump make a series of women walk up and down a restaurant table so that he could announce whether they were wearing underwear. 

'It was the most offensive scene I've ever been a part of,' Boyne told The Huffington Post Thursday. 'I wanted to get the heck out of there.' 

The group were packed into a semicircular table with one man at each end. That meant the women could not get out of their seats without either (John) Casablancas or Trump vacating their own. And they didn't, said Boyne. 

Instead, any woman wanting to leave the table would have to get up and walk along it, at which point Trump 'stuck his head right underneath their skirts' to examine their underwear. 

He would then comment on whether they were wearing anything - and if not, what he thought of their genitals, Boyne said. 

Boy no matter how many times you brush it is almost impossible to get that "I just vomited in my mouth" taste go away isn't it?

But remember according to Mike Pence all of these women are lying and the evidence to disprove what they say is only "hours away."

Gee, I can hardly wait to see what they come up with.

So I guess the question that needs to be asked is does any of this have a negative effect on the Trump supporters?

I am going to go with a "NO" on that one.

And the candidate, how is he holding up?

Do you mean besides having lost his mind?

Courtesy of NBC News:

On Thursday, Trump named his various female accusers, the corporate-owned media who reported their allegations, Hillary Clinton, the Department of Justice for not jailing Hillary Clinton, and Wall Street banks. 

"The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure," Trump said. "We have seen this in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends, and her donors."

Other co-conspirators named by Trump earlier in the week included "crooked" public pollsters who showed Trump losing, election officials and "other communities" in swing states threatening to rig ballots, and a "sinister deal" involving Speaker Paul Ryan that Trump did not elaborate upon.

So apparently Alex Jones is now one of Trump's personal advisers. 

Damn this rabbit hole is deep!


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