So first no Sarah Palin, and now no Tim Tebow?
Trump better start beating the weeds to drum up another fake Christian.
And if that is not bad news enough it appears that the convention organizers are rattling their tin cup in the direction of Sheldon Adelson:
Millions of dollars short and running out of time, organizers of the Republican National Convention have written an urgent request for $6 million to Las Vegas billionaire couple Sheldon and Miriam Adelson to cover the bills for next week’s festivities.
In a letter to the Adelsons, obtained by POLITICO, the Cleveland 2016 Host Committee revealed the names of more than two dozen prominent corporations and individuals who have reneged on a collective $8.1 million in pledged donations.
The letter represents the most public acknowledgment to date that Donald Trump has directly cost convention organizers millions of fundraising dollars.
“Over the past couple months, negative publicity around our potential nominee resulted in a considerable number of pledges backing out from their commitments,” the letter says.
I am not even sure they make enough popcorn for this shit show, but if they do you can bet I will be devouring it while I watch this train wreck finally come to its fiery conclusion.
Trump better start beating the weeds to drum up another fake Christian.
And if that is not bad news enough it appears that the convention organizers are rattling their tin cup in the direction of Sheldon Adelson:
Millions of dollars short and running out of time, organizers of the Republican National Convention have written an urgent request for $6 million to Las Vegas billionaire couple Sheldon and Miriam Adelson to cover the bills for next week’s festivities.
In a letter to the Adelsons, obtained by POLITICO, the Cleveland 2016 Host Committee revealed the names of more than two dozen prominent corporations and individuals who have reneged on a collective $8.1 million in pledged donations.
The letter represents the most public acknowledgment to date that Donald Trump has directly cost convention organizers millions of fundraising dollars.
“Over the past couple months, negative publicity around our potential nominee resulted in a considerable number of pledges backing out from their commitments,” the letter says.
I am not even sure they make enough popcorn for this shit show, but if they do you can bet I will be devouring it while I watch this train wreck finally come to its fiery conclusion.