Rudi Bakhtiar |
On Saturday, the New York Times reported that it had spoken to a dozen women currently or formerly employed by the news network, all of whom say that they personally experienced sexual harassment or intimidation at work.
Former Fox personality Rudi Bakhtiar told the Times about a run-in she had with her then-supervisor Fox News Washington Bureau Chief Brian Wilson. In 2007, Wilson dangled the possibility of a promotion in front of Bakhtiar and when she said she’d be excited to take the job, he reportedly told her, “I’d like to see the inside of your hotel room.” He said that he wanted them to have a “friends with benefits” relationship.
Bakhtiar declined and says that immediately her career at the company went into free-fall. Her appearances were canceled and when she attempted to address the issue with other executives, they told her to go to Human Resources.
Within weeks she was fired. Ailes told her that it was for performance-related reasons.
“In a short time, she went from thinking she was in line to land the job she coveted to unemployment,” wrote the Times‘ Jim Rutenberg and Emily Steel. “After a mediation process, she reached a settlement in which Fox News paid her an undisclosed amount.”
Bakhtiar said that part of the agreement was that she must never speak publicly about the harassment, but she felt emboldened by Gretchen Carlson’s lawsuit against Ailes, who stepped down on Thursday.
Several of the women interviewed by the New York Times claimed that they were set up on "dates" with superiors by their supervisors.
One former staffer even claimed to have walked into a dark office in 2009 to find a senior manager receiving oral sex from a junior staffer.
Interestingly enough Gawker did a piece in 2011, that discussed something called the "leg cam" used to allow the audience to ogle the legs of the female presenters.
Did you ever wonder why Megyn Kelly is the only prime time Fox host whose desk is see through?
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was asked about these allegations directed at Roger Ailes and his response was as predictable as it was disgusting:
Meet the Press host Chuck Dodd asked Trump about the allegations against Ailes, and the candidate replied, “Well I don’t want to comment. But he’s been a friend of mine for a really long time. And I can tell you that some of the women who are complaining, I know how much he’s helped them. And even recently. And when they write books that are fairly recently released, and they say wonderful things about him.”
He went on, “And now all of a sudden they’re saying these horrible things about him. It’s very sad. Because he’s a very good person. I’ve always found him to be just a very, very good person. Any by the way a very, very talented person. Look what he’s done. So I feel very badly. But a lot of people are thinking he’s going to run my campaign.”
There you go Republicans THAT is your presidential candidate for 2016.
And Fox News is your preferred source for "news."
Aren't you proud?