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Sunday, 24 July 2016

Sarah Palin defends the conservative "work ethic" by using her own hard working children as an example. NO I am not kidding.

Courtesy of Granny Grifter's Facebook page:  

Who HASN'T Worked Jobs the Left Feels is Beneath Them? Greatest Life Lessons Are Learned Through Actual WORK! 

Absolutely amazes me that the Liberal mindset allows mocking the American work ethic. Belittling an entrepreneurial spirit got us into the mess we're in with dependency on a failed, bankrupt government. Big Government Libs LOVE the cycle of dependency because with it comes CONTROL of those who are dependent. 

Good for those who do what it takes to independently make a living. Leftists condemning women entrepreneurs owning their own businesses and parents holding down more than one job to provide for family? It's shameful, Democrats. 

I'm so thankful all my kids work AT LEAST one job (most work two or more jobs at a time!), along with furthering their education... they've always worked this way. And I'm proud my four big kids are setting that great work ethic example for their little brother, Trig, who'll also be expected to work because every able-bodied human being is created with unique ability to work. America - we're blessed when those abilities are put to good use; we're lost when choosing not to. 

Tell me about the jobs YOU'VE held in order to pay the bills and be productive! 

- Sarah Palin

Okay clearly Palin is now just trolling liberals.

What has Palin all fired up about "liberals" supposedly condemning female entrepreneurs was this article from Jezebel, poking a little fun at Mike Pence's wife's fledgling business of selling little charms you put on your towel so that you don't get it mixed up with some other person's towel.

Wait, what?

Karen Pence, wife of GOP VP pick Gov. Mike Pence and soon-to-be Second (or First) Lady of Trump Republic, Inc., is the proud founder of “That’s My Towel!” Charm, Inc. What are towel charms? I’m so glad you asked. 

Imagine a set of wine charms. Then imagine if those wine charms were designed for something even less important. That is a Towel Charm.

 Okay for one thing how do you NOT mock this?

And for another thing Karen Pence is the wife of a Senator, is a former teacher, and sells paintings of houses for money, so there is no way that she is using this business to "provide for her family."

But putting all of that aside, how in the hell does Palin use HER family as examples of hard working Americans.

As far as I know Todd does nothing but lie around the house, stopping only to accompany her to some public venue as laid out in his contract, work on his snowmachine, and occasionally do a little fishing or hunting.

Sarah herself, well we all see what she does to bring in money. She pimps herself out.

As for the rest of the family literally the only one that I know who at least had a steady job was Willow, and to be honest I am not sure any more exactly how much she works these days.

Bristol claims to work occasionally at that dermatologist office, though most of the time it seems her job is to post pictures on Instagram of the MOH husband she trapped, and the child that she claims to not want exploited.

Piper babysits.

Trig is the prop from which sprang almost all of this good fortune for the Palin family, so he's done more than his part.

And Track, well Track seems to have set a career path designed to ultimately destroy his family's credibility.

Of all of them, I would say that he is the most successful.

Now going back to that Karen Pence thing, look stupid people will buy stupid unnecessary things.

However I would bet money that she does not want one of those useless unnecessary things defending her on Facebook.


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