Wanna hear something crazy? |
Just asking... have Americans forgotten we have every right to know where our tax dollars go for UN activities, and Congress has every responsibility to do the asking?
American taxpayers ponied up around $3.024 billion last year for the United Nations’ regular and peacekeeping budgets, more than what 185 other countries combined are paying. - CNS News
Palin then links to a Daily Mail article about the sighting of a white UN "combat vehicle" on the road in Virginia.
Here is an actual Alex Jones quote from the article:
'Are these U.N. troops here preparing for economic collapse in America? Is this related to Iran ships approaching the U.S. border?' while Alex Jones posted a video warning of the 'U.N. takeover of America.'
It should be pointed out that the vehicles in Virginia were actually being transported and not driven.
There was a response to the Facebook post about this sighting which read, "30 United Nations vehicles, fully loaded with combat-prepared troops, were driving down our highway in Dallas, Texas."
Well hell, a Facebook post from a Texan about the UN invading America, what could be more reliable than that?
Palin followed all of this up by writing:
Congress also has a responsibility to oversee the Administration's unexplained actions. There's truly no need for our government to keep citizens in the dark about expenditures like these. We're seeking answers.
And then she links to yet another article from a far Right Wing news source which reports that the amount of money non-military federal agencies, which it labels "bureaucrats," spend on arms and ammunition is now more than our armed forces spend.
I read through the report and it includes such "bureaucrats" as the FBI, Fish and Game, US Customs and Border Control, the Coast Guard, the US Secret Service, and a number of other agencies which seem to spend money on security forces for their employees, which include the IRS, Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Mint.
It seems fairly obvious that the point of this Facebook post is to suggest that while the Democrats are seeking to limit access to military style weapons by every day Americans, the federal government is arming their people to the teeth.
Now if you are a reasonable person you would probably assume that the increased spending on arms and ammunition by the Feds is likely in response to the increased number of military style weapons in the hands of 2nd Amendment advocates who loudly proclaim that they need them to keep the government "in check." (Just look to the Bundy ranch standoff as an example of the increased danger some of these federal agents now face.)
However if you are a Sarah Palin, or another unhinged conspiracy theorist, it is clear that the federal government is trying to take away our guns so that they can work together with the UN to herd us all into FEMA camps and then start gassing us like the Nazis did in Auschwitz.
Now the truly concerning part in all of this, aside from the fact that Sarah Palin has clearly lost her shit, is that I strongly suspect that current Republican candidate Donald Trump also gets his news from some of the same sources referenced in this post. (Where else do you think he got the idea that President Obama was born in Kenya?)
And that means that these unhinged, batshit crazy, conspiracy theories are now entering the mainstream of American thought, and if Trump were to be elected, possibly inform actual American policy moving forward.
If that does not give you a case of the tremors then you my friend are not paying attention.
Source http://ift.tt/291KeQ4