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Tuesday, 28 June 2016


So today the House Benghazi committee released it's report on all of the things that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did to murder those four brave Americans.

At least that is what it sounds like over on the Right Wing crazy pages.

What did we actually learn after this ninth investigation?

Well let's see.

Courtesy of the New York Times: 

Ending one of the longest, costliest and most bitterly partisan congressional investigations in history, the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued its final report on Tuesday, finding no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton in the 2012 attacks in Libya that left four Americans dead. 

The 800-page report, however, included some new details about the night of the attacks, and the context in which it occurred, and it delivered a broad rebuke of government agencies like the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department — and the officials who led them — for failing to grasp the acute security risks in the Libyan city, and especially for maintaining outposts in Benghazi that they could not protect.

So what we learned is that there were flaws in the intelligence and that the security situation in Benghazi was deteriorating.

Wait, didn't the other investigations already tell us that?

Yes, they did.

So was there anything else?

Courtesy of NPR: 

The 800-page report found that despite President Obama and then Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's "clear orders," the military failed to immediately send a force to Benghazi and that nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed — almost eight hours after the attacks began. 

The report says none of the relevant military forces met their deployment timelines to respond to the attack and that a "Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times."

Oh, so the military screwed up?

Is this the same military that has been all but deified by the conservatives in this country?

Well come on, let's cut to the REAL reason that this investigation was launched in the first place.

What did report find about what Hillary Clinton did after the attacks which proves she is unfit to seek the Oval Office?

The report had harsh findings about the military but little new about the role of Hillary Clinton, whose response as secretary of state had been thrust into the spotlight by the committee's investigation.

So ultimately Hillary remains unscathed by the findings of this partisan investigation whose sole purpose was to discredit her. I see.

Remember the words of Republican House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy?

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.” 

Yeah well today her numbers are back on the rise, and this feeble attempt to damage them further is clearly an abject failure. 

Sure the conservative media will make huge mountains out of the Benghazi report molehills and scream at the top of their lungs that this proves Hillary is unfit to take up residence in the White House.

But it is the same old song we have all heard before.

It was an empty melody back then, and it is an empty melody today.


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