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Sunday, 5 June 2016

Elizabeth Warren certainly does not need Twitter to slam Donald Trump's reputation as a business man.

Courtesy of Politicususa:  

“Trump University,” a place where his former employees call it just one big fraudulent scheme. Now, rather than investing in high-quality instructors and counselors, Donald Trump put together an army of sales people. It was like a used car dealership—except that’s not fair to used car dealerships. 
Trump sales people would focus on how much money someone could come up with, and they would push perspective students to max out their credit cards so they could fork over thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars to Donald. His playbook said to look for people with problems; they make good targets. 

Trump even encouraged his sales force to go after elderly people who were trying to build a little financial security. Now, Trump University failed and that’s no surprise. Think Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump Magazines, Trump Vodka, Trump Casinos, Trump Mortgage, Trump Games, Trump Travel Trump Ice, Trump Network, Trump Radio, and Trump New Media Company. 

Donald Trump is a proven businessman. A proven failure.

Gee look Donald, it appears that "Pocahontas" just scalped you.

Yep, she is gong to make a fabulous Vice President.


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