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Friday, 13 January 2017

Trump's Twitter Tantrum for Today.

Well gee, if Russia, who is so well known for their honesty, is saying that nothing exists then I guess that settles it.

I also wonder if these "people" of his that are going to release that report are the same "people" who dug up all of that dirt about Obama's real birth certificate. Hey where is that report anyhow?
Um, Hillary's guilty of what exactly?

And how did she win the popular vote by almost three million if there was no enthusiasm? 

By the way the first of these morning tweets were sent out at what would have been 4:00 AM East Coast time. Which I think gives you some indication as to what kinds of doubts and fears haunt his dreams at night.

He is barely holding his shit together, and the job has not even started yet.


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