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Sunday, 5 June 2016

Another primary day, so of course more allegations of fraud from the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Courtesy of The Hill:

Bernie Sanders’s campaign is accusing Puerto Rico’s Democratic Party officials of fraud in the territory’s presidential primary. 

The campaign’s head of Hispanic voter efforts, Betsy Franceschini, told Caribbean Business in an interview that Sanders officials were initially denied access to prisons to help inmates vote. 

“Our Bernie Sanders officials were never certified. We had 40 officials we submitted in time for the prisons. Not one of them was certified, while all of theirs [Hillary Clinton’s] went in. Attorney Manny Suárez had to go in order for us to be let in. This is a great fraud,” Franceschini said.

Every single time, just like clockwork.

Of course the Puerto Rican Democratic party disagrees with this allegation 

The head of the Democratic Party of Puerto Rico slammed the Sanders campaign on Saturday for accusing it of unfairly denying poll workers access to prisons to help inmates vote. 

"I am appalled at the remarks from the spokesperson of the Bernie Sanders Campaign in Puerto Rico, Ms. Betsy Franceschini," local Democratic Party president Roberto Prats said in a statement.

"The claim that the Democratic Party is delaying the certification of the Sanders' poll workers is preposterous. The first complete set of pollworkers for tomorrow's primary we have certified were all from the Sander's Campaign."

If you guessed that Hillary Clinton is leading Puerto Rico, which holds its primary today, in the polls you would be correct.

It seems that when Sanders is leading in the polls, or wins the primary, everything is copacetic, however if that is not the case, well then clearly there was some type of fraud.

The Sanders campaign might be worried about California as well, since the allegations around that state's primary have already started.
The councilman's spokesman responded with this:

Ryu spokesman Estevan Montemayor called those messages “an inaccurate depiction of the last 24 hours” — saying the councilman’s office had been trying to help the campaign stage a successful event. Sanders’ campaign did not have a ticketing system or a plan for addressing traffic congestion, which is required of every group that holds a rally or concert at the Greek, Montemayor said. 

“Any person or organization that chooses to have an event at the Greek Theatre needs to follow all the same guidelines," Montemayor said. “The Sanders campaign was asked to work with L.A. city staff on a traffic mitigation plan and a ticketing system, just as the Clinton campaign has done for their event on Monday evening. The Sanders campaign chose not to move forward, all while the city held resources for tomorrow’s event.” 

Anybody else noticing a pattern?


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