Okay so that clip was from 2012, and in response Levi Johnston decided that he had finally had all he could take and wanted to try one more time to get his son back into his life.
So as you all know his initial attempts hit a brick wall called Bristol Palin, who at that time had all of the power, all of the money, and no reason whatsoever to give him his rights as a father.
Ultimately that led Levi to my door, and what happened next I detailed in this post.
Now let me point out that even at that time Levi was adamant about taking the high road and not attacking Bristol. And in fact he never once said that she was a bad mother.
However as we talked about all that had happened up until that point it was pretty clear that she was certainly not going to be nominated for mother of the year.
Nor was it likely that she was going to give up control without a serious, costly battle.
Yep, a costly battle indeed.
So after two years of the back and forth filings which were designed to drain Levi's financial resources (Sorry Bristol I screwed that up for you didn't I?), finally both parties came to an agreement and everything appeared to be settled.
Note that I said, "appeared to be settled."
I t was around then that some misleading stories were leaked to the press saying that Levi owed over $80,000 in child support.
So Levi tried to set the record straight. Twice.
Now notice that there was still no attack on Bristol in those posts and articles.
However they resulted in this:
Life & Style Weekly has exclusively learned that Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol Palin’s son Tripp, 7, has been actively trying to have a fling with her.
“He’s been texting Bristol, asking her to hook up again. He actually wrote, ‘Come cuddle me,’ and ‘Come lay that sexy a-- down right up tight next to me and watch a movie with me,” a source reveals.
For the record what's written is not completely accurate. But it did hurt.
Ultimately Levi and Sunny's relationship grew stronger and today they are doing very well. Very well indeed.
So surely, I thought, now Levi would want to release me from my promise and let me do my thing.
But nope. Still wanted to be the good guy.
Pissing me off here buddy.
So I made a deal, once I revealed our friendship I would not post anything directed at Bristol specifically, and focus instead on the bigger story about his time with the Palin family and what he saw, IF Bristol did not go after either me, him, or Sunny directly.
I can't say that either he nor Sunny agreed to that, but then again it was not up for discussion.
After some initial rumblings I even let Bristol know of my intentions.
As you now know that was not how things were going to work out.
Which brings us to this post today.
Like I said earlier I received a lot of interesting information from the Johnstons, their friends, and their family members over the last two years.
Much of it Sunny and Levi did not want to ever see on the internet.
However this is my blog, and ultimately my decision.
Hey you guys remember Gino?
Sure you do. He was the guy who appeared on Bristol's crappy reality show as her long suffering boyfriend, and who she kicked out of her car in the middle of nowhere.
You ever wonder what happened to that guy or what he thinks of Bristol Palin these days?
Funny you should ask.
Some a great Christian family, don't you think?
By the way Gino, if you read this and it upsets you, which I am sure it might, just know that if you contact me at gryphen2009@yahoo.com I can get you so much money that you can wipe away your tears with a handful of hundred dollar bills.
Oh and if you are willing to talk about your ex-girlfriend Heather, and how the Palins helped you with your "problem," that can instead be TWO fistfuls of hundred dollar bills with which you can wipe those tears.
Think about it.
So folks at this point you are probably thinking, "Well Gryphen finally delivered the goods and now he has nothing more to share and will now go back to strictly writing about politics."
Not so fast there buckaroos, we are just getting started.
Source http://ift.tt/292J8Go
So as you all know his initial attempts hit a brick wall called Bristol Palin, who at that time had all of the power, all of the money, and no reason whatsoever to give him his rights as a father.
Ultimately that led Levi to my door, and what happened next I detailed in this post.
Now let me point out that even at that time Levi was adamant about taking the high road and not attacking Bristol. And in fact he never once said that she was a bad mother.
However as we talked about all that had happened up until that point it was pretty clear that she was certainly not going to be nominated for mother of the year.
Nor was it likely that she was going to give up control without a serious, costly battle.
Courtesy of a Johnston family confidant. |
So after two years of the back and forth filings which were designed to drain Levi's financial resources (Sorry Bristol I screwed that up for you didn't I?), finally both parties came to an agreement and everything appeared to be settled.
Note that I said, "appeared to be settled."
I t was around then that some misleading stories were leaked to the press saying that Levi owed over $80,000 in child support.
So Levi tried to set the record straight. Twice.
Now notice that there was still no attack on Bristol in those posts and articles.
However they resulted in this:
Life & Style Weekly has exclusively learned that Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol Palin’s son Tripp, 7, has been actively trying to have a fling with her.
“He’s been texting Bristol, asking her to hook up again. He actually wrote, ‘Come cuddle me,’ and ‘Come lay that sexy a-- down right up tight next to me and watch a movie with me,” a source reveals.
For the record what's written is not completely accurate. But it did hurt.
Ultimately Levi and Sunny's relationship grew stronger and today they are doing very well. Very well indeed.
So surely, I thought, now Levi would want to release me from my promise and let me do my thing.
But nope. Still wanted to be the good guy.
Pissing me off here buddy.
So I made a deal, once I revealed our friendship I would not post anything directed at Bristol specifically, and focus instead on the bigger story about his time with the Palin family and what he saw, IF Bristol did not go after either me, him, or Sunny directly.
I can't say that either he nor Sunny agreed to that, but then again it was not up for discussion.
After some initial rumblings I even let Bristol know of my intentions.
As you now know that was not how things were going to work out.
Which brings us to this post today.
Like I said earlier I received a lot of interesting information from the Johnstons, their friends, and their family members over the last two years.
Much of it Sunny and Levi did not want to ever see on the internet.
However this is my blog, and ultimately my decision.
Hey you guys remember Gino?
Sure you do. He was the guy who appeared on Bristol's crappy reality show as her long suffering boyfriend, and who she kicked out of her car in the middle of nowhere.
You ever wonder what happened to that guy or what he thinks of Bristol Palin these days?
Funny you should ask.
Isn't there some troll that comes around here saying that Bristol and Gino are still such good friends, and she is that way with all of her exes?
Wanna bet?
And have no doubt that Gino knows what he is talking about here. After all he was around during the filming of that reality show when we all saw Tripp at his absolute worst and clearly in need of a parent with some parenting skills.
Simply put, a boy in need of his father.
Oh, before I forget, there's this one too.
By the way Gino, if you read this and it upsets you, which I am sure it might, just know that if you contact me at gryphen2009@yahoo.com I can get you so much money that you can wipe away your tears with a handful of hundred dollar bills.
Oh and if you are willing to talk about your ex-girlfriend Heather, and how the Palins helped you with your "problem," that can instead be TWO fistfuls of hundred dollar bills with which you can wipe those tears.
Think about it.
So folks at this point you are probably thinking, "Well Gryphen finally delivered the goods and now he has nothing more to share and will now go back to strictly writing about politics."
Not so fast there buckaroos, we are just getting started.
Source http://ift.tt/292J8Go