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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Yet another reporter almost gets a brain aneurysm when interviewing Sarah Palin.

Courtesy of Salon.

So Jake Tapper attempts to get Palin to explain why she, who is considered such an aggressive "pro-life" supporter, can accept Donald Trump's past statements in support of pro-choice.

Seems like a simple straightforward question, but to Sarah Palin it is an opportunity to open her mouth and let the crazy fly:

““I am so glad that Mr. Trump has seen the light and understands the sanctity of innocent life and how a baby in the womb should be most protected,” she began. 

“What has been kind of sad about this situation though, politically speaking, are there are groups that are pro-life and they say they want to bring more people into the fold.” 

“They’re giving Trump a hard time for his past views on abortion where they’re celebrating others, like, I was going through a list,” Palin said. “Like Justin Bieber and — ” 

“Justin Bieber?” Tapper replied. 

“Yeah, he’s made statements, understanding the sanctity of life, but in the past said it was no big deal to him. He’s just one example.”

So at this point the best tactic is to simply close your eyes and rub your temples until the pain subsides. Trust me, I've been doing this awhile now.

Of course there is no real way to logically explain what Palin is trying to say here, but I think it has something to do with a Rolling Stone article in which Bieber said the following: 

"I really don't believe in abortion," Bieber says. "It's like killing a baby." How about in cases of rape? "Um. Well, I think that's really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don't know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven't been in that position, so I wouldn't be able to judge that." 

So I'm not sure if Palin is suggesting that Donald Trump would also deny access to abortions for women who had been raped, or if that is simply her point of view.

Either way she certainly made Jake Tapper regret sitting down for this interview.


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