Let's face it Trump will never get the chance to go after Sanders, but if he ever did there is mountains of as yet unused opposition research to use against the Vermont Senator.I don't want to hit Crazy Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he is doing to Crooked Hillary. His time will come!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2016
Not that Donald Trump is not awash in vulnerabilities.
For instance he is now saying he will not release his tax returns until November:
Despite pressure, the billionaire also doesn't expect to release his tax returns before November, citing an ongoing audit of his finances. He said he will release them after the audit ends. But he said that he wouldn't overrule his lawyers and instruct them to release his returns if the audit hasn't concluded by November.
"There's nothing to learn from them," Trump told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday. He also has said he doesn't believe voters are interested.
You know i seriously doubt there have ever been any tax returns the voters have been MORE interested in seeing.
I actually doubt he will ever release them, but if he did you can bet they will show he is not worth anywhere near the amount of money that he claims to be worth.
The Trump campaign also recently put a white nationalist on their delegate list.
Sure he's off now, but do we seriously think he is the only one?
And all of this while Republican strategists continue to plan for a third party challenge.
So no Donald Trump will not be going after Bernie Sanders, because right now he is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Hillary and Sanders keeps her too distracted to effectively defend herself.
Well you know what they say, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Source http://ift.tt/1UTPubc