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Saturday, 7 January 2017

Trump throws Twitter tantrum in response to intelligence briefing.

You know the problem with lying after a report is declassified, is that people can check the report and see that you are lying.

For instance: 

Russia collected on some Republican-affiliated targets but did not conduct a comparable disclosure campaign.

It's not that Russia could not hack the Republicans, they DID hack the Republicans.

It's just that, unlike the data they stole from the Democrats, they did not leak any of that information because they wanted the Republicans, and their puppet, to win in 2016.
Also false. See my post from yesterday.
No it is because they used that information to help a totally unqualified candidate, who they could manipulate, "win" the presidency.

Well it looks like it's time for Trump to attempt to sweep this all under the rug, and tell us all to move on again.
To be clear this is our new commander-in-chief telling us to ignore the fact that the Russians stole information from the government and political organizations in order to manipulate the outcome of our election, so that we can all be friends again.

Just for a moment, try to imagine how Doanld Trump would be reacting if this whole thing were switched around and Russia had hacked HIS friends and political party in order to steal the election for Hillary. 

Well that is how all of us should continue to react to what actually happened.


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