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Saturday, 7 January 2017

Sarah Palin attacks President Obama for reacting in a reasonable manner in response to Facebook torture video.

If you have been watching even a little of the news yesterday I am sure you all saw a portion of this video showing some African American teenagers (One is actually in her twenties.) torturing a white mentally handicapped young man.

It was shown on virtually every news outlet yesterday and roundly condemned by everybody who reported on it, without regard to their race or political affiliation.

And in an interview President Obama also condemned the "despicable" actions.

However that was not good enough for Snowdrift Snooki.

No she was so incensed that she fired up the ole ghostwriter and called in a favor over at Breitbart in order to attack the media and the President directly:

It’s time for a screaming wake-up call, America. 

My extended family discussed the tragedy last night. We concluded we do not care about arguing the legalities involved in categorizing this as a “hate crime” or not a “hate crime.” Obviously it is a hateful, hate-filled crime centering on politics and race. Proof is on tape. Debating the merits of categorizing the disgusting racist and political taunts vomited up by thugs during their brutal beating of a helpless young man is, to us, a media distraction. I leave it to others to focus on that.

After that venom laced diatribe Palin talks about her sister Heather working with developmentally delayed youths in public school, and of course Trig, as if that gives her some authority on the topic.

Then she goes on the attack against our last duly elected President:  

But President Obama… shush. Just shush with your reaction to this racist attack with claims that race relations have improved under your reign. That is BS. And why, even in this, do you have to make it all about you, all the time? Your suggestion yesterday that there’s some silver lining in this shows how completely out of touch you are. Attacks on the helpless and vulnerable — no matter skin color — are society’s cancer. You still don’t get it. A better reaction is to acknowledge, for one, that your pride and joy hometown of Chicago is a mess. 

Further, acknowledge that you’ve helped perpetuate a culture that disrespects innocent life by pretending that babies aren’t really babies, so their lives don’t matter; by mocking special needs children on national television (as the President!); by promoting vile gangsta “artists” and their cultural depravity; and by wasting time and public resources instead of using them to better society by, for instance, creating jobs and expecting able-bodied persons to work for self-respect and responsibility instead of incentivizing a lawless, selfish, hard-hearted entitlement culture. You have no credibility when twisting this into somehow being about your “accomplishments.” You fail by making this about you.

Palin goes on, and on, and on trying to somehow make all of this about Obama's support of a woman's right to choose.

She also spits venom in the direction of the media, rappers, celebrities, Colin Kaepernick, and something called the "PC thought police."

However the statement by our President that seems to have pissed in her Wheaties, is simply this:  

Obama said he doesn’t believe racial tensions have gotten worse, but that the public exposure is more prevalent in the digital age. 

“In part because we see visuals of racial tensions, violence, and so forth; because of smart phones and the Internet,” the president said. 

“What we have seen as surfacing, I think, are a lot of problems that have been there a long time. 

“Whether it’s tensions between police and communities, hate crimes of the despicable sort that has just now recently surfaced on Facebook.”

I would bet you dollars to doughnuts that if this video featured white folks beating on a black person Palin would welcome those comments.

As for the silver lining comment that got her crusty panties all in a twist, that was simply this: 

“The good news is that the next generation that’s coming behind us … have smarter, better, more thoughtful attitudes about race. 

“I think the overall trajectory of race relations in this country is actually very positive. It doesn’t mean that all racial problems have gone away. It means that we have the capacity to get better.”

So all the President is doing is expressing hope in the future and confidence in the generations that will follow our own.

I guess living with that feral brood of wife beaters, drunks, and mattress backs that Palin calls family, must make it a little harder to drum up the same enthusiasm for the future.

However for the record the President is essentially right. The millennials are indeed far less likely to discriminate based on race, gender, or country of origin.

You know, the millenials that are not being raised in that compound by the dead lake that is.


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