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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

The Right Wing's new response to transgender folk using the bathroom is to enter them with guns at the ready.

Courtesy of the Advocate:  

Anti-LGBT activists are taking the newfound role of “potty police” to the next level, pledging to carry weapons into public restrooms to “protect” against trans people using the bathroom that matches their gender identity. 

The threats came after retailer Target announced Wednesday it would allow transgender patrons to use the restroom of their choice. The policy is a slap at North Carolina’s anti-LGBT House Bill 2, which, among other things, bars transgender people from using facilities that correspond with their gender identity, if those are in government buildings; it does let private-sector companies set their own policies. In response to Target's action, at least two right-wing leaders promised to meet trans people in the bathroom — with firearms. 

The preliminary warning shot came from Anita Staver, president of the right-wing, anti-LGBT Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit conservative legal group — best known for representing defiant antigay Kentucky clerk Kim Davis — that recently told CBS News it is proudly pushing transphobic “bathroom bills” nationwide. 

 On Friday, Staver — who is married to Liberty Counsel’s chairman and cofounder, Mat Staver — sent out a tweet blasting Target’s trans-inclusive policy. “I’m taking a Glock .45 to the ladies room,” she wrote, before adding what appears to be a dig at the concept that someone could identify as a gender other than that they were assigned at birth.

If you don't think that this will not result in some poor person being shot to death in a public restroom than you certainly have not been paying attention to the news lately.

And what exactly would be the "offense" that earned some poor person the death penalty at the hands of a panicky homophobic gun nut?

Would it be for being too manly in the ladies room? Or too effeminate in the men's room?

Because if that is the case I know several straight non-transgender folks who are going to have to start wearing bullet proof vests before they tinkle in public.


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