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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

I actually think that the Sarah Palin victory lap the day after a Donald Trump blowout might be the worst part.

Interesting that she left off all of the SarahPAC logo except the bear.

She has one graphic posted for each of Trump's victories, and THEY have the complete SarahPAC logo.

But let's not kid ourselves I doubt very seriously she will raise any money by pimping for Trump right now. Even the few supporters she has left are not so ignorant as to believe that she had anything to do with his success.

I think right now it is more than obvious that the 2016 race will come down to Clinton vs Trump.

Which means when Hillary beats this orange tinted asshole it will be especially enjoyable to watch Palin lose her shit over it.

Actually I think that once that happens it will be essentially over for Palin in the political realm.

It is hard to imagine any politician, no matter how desperate, wanting Palin associated with their candidacy after watching her piss on every conservative talking point she every vomited forth and then throw her support behind a reality show star only to have him lose to the first female President.

THAT is the kind of loser stench that even tomato juice and hydrogen peroxide cannot wash off.


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