Courtesy of The Hill:A source close to Sarah Palin tells NBC News fmr gov is interested in VA Secretary post, has been in touch w/ Trump transition team— Alex Moe (@AlexNBCNews) November 30, 2016
Palin was a strong supporter of the president-elect throughout his campaign.
She endorsed the billionaire in January during his primary campaign, ahead of the Iowa state caucuses.
Reports surfaced earlier this month that Palin was a possibility to head the Interior Department.
Some lawmakers, however, questioned whether she would be up to speed on policy.
So is Palin up to speed on policies concerning the VA?
Of course not.
However she has a faux combat veteran son and an actual Medal of Honor winner for a son-in-law, so if she wants it she's a shoe in.
And since Trump seems to be choosing his cabinet based on how much damage they can each do to their prospective agencies, I have little doubt that he would gladly stick Palin into this position.
Don't think that the confirmation process will weed her out either, I cannot imagine the Democrats wasting too much of their time fighting this appointment when there are so many more troubling appointments to contend with.
Speaking of ole Dakota Meyer it appears that he might have been disinvited from a Marine Corps ball due to his vocal opposition to the Obama Administration:
On Nov. 12, the Tribunist website reported that Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer (who is also the son-in-law of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin) had been invited to the Marine Corps’ 241st birthday celebration at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, but his invitation was revoked by the Obama administration (or, at least, by a U.S. ambassador) at the last minute for political reasons, reported. Due to security issues inside Afghanistan, the ball was to be held inside the embassy itself.
“As arrangements were being finalized, however, the Medal of Honor recipient was told that he would not be able to come. Why? Because Meyer has been an outspoken critic of the Obama administration.
“Ambassador P. Michael McKinley ordered his chief of mission to “look into” the Medal of Honor recipient and, based on the report he was given about Meyer’s political views, decided he would not allow Meyer to attend the ball inside the embassy.”
Meyer told in a phone interview that “I was told he [McKinley] doesn’t like my position and comments on the administration, but those views are my right. Blocking access to the American embassy is his right as the ambassador.”
By the way Snopes says that this remains unproven, and it really does not sound like something the Obama Administration would condone, but none of that really doesn't matter because we are now in a new fact free reality it seems.
Besides with Donald Trump in the White House, and Sarah Palin heading up the VA, I am sure that Dakota will be allowed to attend any damn military ball, Right Wing kegger, or conservative frat party that he wants to attend.
Hoohah! (Or something like that.)
Update: Yep it looks like Palin's all in alright.
This nightmare is really never going to stop is it?