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Friday, 29 April 2016

Nancy French posts one of the most grammatically incorrect poorly edited pieces on behalf of Bristol Palin that I have ever seen. And remember, I cover the Palins.

First this courtesy of Breitbart:  

Mere months after the Palins supported Schilling’s remarks comparing Islamic extremists to Nazi, the former Alaska governor and her eldest daughter defended Schilling after he was canned by the liberal sports network ESPN. Schilling simply made his opinions known regarding grown men using the same bathrooms as little girls. He dealt with facts. Of course, conservative thought is not welcome in the world of ESPN, and because of Schilling’s stance, he was fired. 

Many remained silent. Others blasted Schilling. But the Palins weren’t shy about backing the three-time World Series champion. Sarah Palin wrote on social media, “ESPN continues to screw up.” Bristol weighed in with “Curt Schilling got fired for telling the truth.” 

Schilling, while appreciative, wishes the Palins didn’t feel obligated to rush in from the bullpen. “The embarrassing and pathetic thing is they would have to,” said Schilling while speaking on Mama Grizzly Radio this week. “Me being fired for being a conservative American was only a matter of time from ESPN”

So to be clear Schilling actually went on "Mama Grizzly Radio" which is so under the radar that even I forgot that it still existed.

That right there tells you how pathetic this Schilling guy is.

But perhaps not nearly as pathetic as Nancy French who once again demonstrated her complete lack of integrity by posing as Sarah Palin's brawling baby making daughter and typed out this middle school level response (Now keep in mind I, in no way, altered the content of what follows): 

Here’s the thing, Curt — we don’t feel obligated to defend you. It’s RIGHT to stand up and fight for the culture while the left tries to flush it down the toilet. But I don’t know why you’re saying that ESPN fired you for being conservative. Remember how ESPN came down hard these guys? 

— when commentator Tony Kornheiser when he compared the tea party to ISIS 

— when ESPN documentary film maker Spike Lee who said he just can’t stand interracial couples: “I give interracial couples a look. Daggers. They get uncomfortable when they see me on the street.”

— or when Lee, after he said he wanted to shoot Charlton Heston with a .44-caliber Bulldog.

 — or when Lee, after he claimed Trent Lott was “a card-carrying member of the Klan. I know he has that hood in the closet.” 

— or when Charles Barkley (on ESPN’s “Waddle & Silvy” radio show) said, “Well, you know, I have a thing for Sarah Palin,” he explained. “I think she’s hot. I wouldn’t vote for her, but she is hot now. … I’ve always said, I’ve got a crush on Sarah Palin. I would never vote for her, I’ll always vote Democratic. I think you’ve got a better chance of helping poor people if you vote Democratic. … But I’ll always have a thing for Sarah Palin.” 

— or that time when Mike Tyson said that my mom should have her guts raped out of her. (As usual this last part is a lie. Tyson never said she should be raped. Here are his exact words.)

So here's a fun game we can play, let's count the number of errors in that post.

You know I am not sure if Nancy French is just saying "fuck it I don't get paid enough to put a lot of effort into this job anymore," or if Sarah is finally making Bristol do some of the typing herself. 

Either way this was quite a pathetic attempt to garner a little publicity by defending the indefensible.


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