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Friday, 29 April 2016

Bernie Sanders' wife Jane wishes out loud, on Fox News, that the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton's e-mails would hurry up.

Courtesy of The Washington Free Beacon:  

Bernie Sanders’ wife Jane lamented the slow pace of the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state Thursday. 

“It would be nice if the FBI moved it along,” Sanders said.

First off it is pretty shitty that Jane Sanders is feeding into this Right Wing fantasy that Hillary Clinton will be indicted.

Secondly she said this on freaking Fox News where all of those Right Wing nutjobs are waiting for their daily ration of conspiracy theory flavored red meat.

Just a couple of reminders, there is NO evidence that the FBI has any intention of indicting Hillary Clinton.

There is also NO evidence that her e-mail server was hacked. (However the State Department e-mails were hacked.)

And consider this for a moment. IF the President thought, even for an instant, that Hillary was in danger of being indicted don't you think he would have encouraged Joe Biden to jump into the race so that there would be somebody out there who could protect his legacy?

Because I can guarantee that Bernie Sanders has no intention of doing so.

No I found this whole interview on Fox News to be in incredibly poor taste.

For the spokesperson of an ostensibly liberal candidate, who claims to want to stick to substantive policy discussions, to be throwing gasoline onto the radical Right Wing conspiracy bonfire is inexcusable.


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