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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Ted Cruz to name Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Oh yeah, THAT will help. Update!

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) intends to name former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential running mate if he succeeds in winning the GOP nomination, multiple sources reported Wednesday. 

Cruz’s move is seen as a last-minute gambit in hopes of shaking up the race and blocking front-runner Donald Trump, who easily swept five primary states across the Northeast on Tuesday. 

Personally I have no idea how appointing one of the most anti-female female candidates in history is going to help Cruz at this point, but hey when you are desperately grabbing at anything to stay afloat even a rusty anvil looks promising at first glance.

I am so sure that Carly Fiornia's attacks on Planned Parenthood and lies about what she saw in those doctored videos is really going to go over big with those soccer moms. Assuming that soccer moms is still a thing of course.

You would think he might have learned the lesson from John McCain when he made a similar mistake back in 2008.

Speaking of Sarah Palin you know that somewhere she is pressing her thighs together and muttering to herself that soon it will be time for Donald Trump to reward HER for her dedicated ass kissing, just like Cruz is rewarding Fiorina.

"Second time's a charm America, this time around my brand new elderly sugar daddy and I are going all the way!"

Update: It looks like Palin has decided to try and make herself part of the news day by mocking Ted Cruz for his basketball gaffe in Indiana:

Damn speaking of having a shelf life hasn't the expiration date been reached on this tired old basketball trope of Palin's?

After all she was as much of a basketball star as she was a hunter, or journalism major, or book author.

Meaning, you know, not.


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