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Saturday, 23 April 2016

Hillary Clinton now has a more substantial lead over Bernie Sanders, than Barack Obama had over her in 2008 at this same point in the primary.

(After New York Hillary's numbers dropped to a 241 delegate lead, but she still has twice the number of delegates than Obama had at this same time in 2008.)

Courtesy of NPR: 

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is waging a campaign at a turning point. The New York primary earlier this week was essentially a must win. And he lost. 

He's still campaigning as hard as ever, hopping from state to state talking about a rigged economy and a political system ruled by millionaires and billionaires. But the candidate who started out as an underdog and rose to heights few expected has a math problem. 

Sanders needs to win all the remaining contests by a 20-point margin to catch up to Clinton in pledged delegates.

The Sanders campaign claims there is still a pathway to victory but I certainly don't see it.

On Tuesday we have Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island up for grabs.

The two most delegate rich states are Pennsylvania with 189 and Maryland with 95, and both of those states show Hillary ahead by double digits.

If she even wins half of the remaining delegates she will reach 2,146. While Sanders would only make it to 1,905. 

And of course none of this counts the 479 super delegates that are already saying publicly that they will vote for Hillary at the convention.

So the only question remaining now is how does Bernie bow out gracefully, and how much longer will he string his supporters along?

With a Trump candidacy all but a certainty the Democrats need to get their act together and their fundraising focused on dealing with what we can only imagine will be the most aggressive, disgusting, and dirty political fight this country has ever seen.

Personally at this point I think every day counts toward that preparation.


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