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Saturday, 23 April 2016

The best part of Real Time last night.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Using a recent article in US magazine that disclosed that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enjoys hot sauce on her meals, Maher’s writers came up with a similar fun fact list for the Texas senator. 

“We have something called ‘equal time’ in America so now the other candidates are getting their 25 things you don’t know about me,” Maher explained before sharing a few. 

Included in the list: 

“I spent my entire freshman year of high school stuffed in a locker.” 

“My nickname at Princeton was F*ckface” 

“I named the stick up my ass, ‘Hank.'” 

“Mirrors don’t show my reflection.”

I loved that mirror one.

I thought this bit was sort of funny, but what made it hysterical was watching Van Jones completely losing it


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