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Friday, 22 April 2016

Do non-religious people place more importance on honesty than the religious? Why yes yes they do.

Just an image off the internet. Any resemblance it might have to an actual liar is purely coincidental.
Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Thanks to the Pew Research Center, we now have some data on this. In a recent report on religion in everyday life, the organization asked unaffiliated people whether 16 pre-selected beliefs and behaviors were essential, important but not essential, or not important to what they think it means to be a “moral person.” 

For the unaffiliated, honesty tops the list, with about 58 percent of the nones saying that “being honest at all times” was essential to being a moral person. 

When Harvard chaplain Greg Epstein heard that honesty came out on top, it made a lot of sense to him. As author of “Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe,” Epstein has spent a considerable amount of time thinking about what nonbelievers actually hold to be true about tolerance, community, and morality. 

“Of course these are people who are interested in honesty and integrity,” Epstein told The Huffington Post. “[Because if you’re coming out as non-religious], then you probably feel a very strong pull to tell the truth and to be honest with yourself and others about who you are.”

This is a no brainer as far as I'm concerned and I have always trusted the non-religious to tell me the truth over the religious.

My thinking on this is if you are willing to lie to yourself about the possibility of an invisible man in the sky how can I possibly trust you to tell me the truth about who stole the stapler off of my desk?

In fact, and this is a true story, one of my ex-wives, who was raised in a Christian home and attended Christian schools, once told me that the problem with me was that I was "too honest."

Seriously WTF does that even mean?


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