And that's not all, check this our courtesy of Today:If @Caitlyn_Jenner walked into Trump Tower, what bathroom would @RealDonaldTrump suggest she use? #TrumpTODAY— TODAY (@TODAYshow) April 21, 2016
Q: Would you want to change the Republican platform so that exceptions would be made on abortions in the case of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother?
A: "Absolutely, for the three exceptions, I would," he said. Trump was then pressed further and asked if he would make an exception to protect the "health" of the mother. "I would leave it for the life of the mother, but I would absolutely have the three exceptions."
Q: Do you believe in raising taxes on the wealthy?
A: "I do, I do, including myself. I do."
Somewhere Grover Nordquist is banging his head against the wall and screaming into his hand.
As for Trump's idea of changing the GOP platform on abortion, well that has certain groups pulling out their hair also:
“The Republican Platform has always been solidly pro-life even when Republican candidates have not been,” said Vice President of March for Life Tom McClusky. “The Platform sets the standard that all candidates need to work from,” he said, and noted that suggesting the party weaken its position on the abortion issue “would set back years of hard work” for the movement.
I think we can all count on Donald Trump moving much more toward the center once he wins the nomination, and that should cause those of us on the Left more than a little concern.
After all Trump was also against the Iraq War while Hillary voted for it, and like Bernie Sanders he is also not a huge fan of trade deals, which Clinton has also approved.
In short Trump could very well find more support with the independents than many of us might like to believe.
Of course he is completely full of shit and is in actuality a megalomaniacal lunatic who should be kept as far away from the White House as humanly possible. Which is something that I think we need to keep reminding people about.