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Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Today's Trump Twitter tantrum.

None of those words, "open, transparent, or innocent," actually seem to describe any member of this family.
I think these are actually the sources that Trump himself constantly quotes.

As in "I hear from a lot of people, good people, smart people, that I am doing a great job as president."
The Washington Times is not a legitimate source of accurate information. In fact they are often purveyors of fake news.
Yeah lucky Hillary, she was only dogged for years concerning made up scandals about Benghazi and her private server that saw her testifying before the Senate on multiple occasions.
Please, we all KNOW that you are glued to cable news and freaking out about every new detail that emerges.

Face it you tangerine tinted dipshit, this thing is blowing up all around you and even if you COULD ignore it there is not way it is ever going away. 


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