Courtesy of Yahoo:
Bernie Sanders has dubbed his presidential campaign a “political revolution,” but some of his supporters are rebelling against the very party he is hoping to lead.
A voluble group of die-hard Sanders backers is vowing online that it’s “Bernie or Bust,” saying they will never support his presidential primary opponent — and, at this point, likely Democratic nominee — Hillary Clinton.
Despite these glimmers of reconciliation with his rival, Sanders may have unleashed a rebellion that will be beyond his power to control when it comes time to unify the party. Some “Bernie or Bust” stalwarts say they won’t back Clinton even if Sanders joins her ticket.
Now see this is why I have a problem taking many of Bernie's supporters seriously.
Hillary supporters are going to vote for the Democratic nominee, even if it is not their candidate, because that is what grownups do.
I mentioned that I spoke to a couple of Sanders supporters at the caucus in Anchorage yesterday.
All of them, including the guy too stoned to talk to me, admitted that this was the first time that they had been politically engaged.
When I asked them why they supported Bernie they essentially rattled off a laundry list of policy positions, most of which Hillary also shares with Sanders.
However it became pretty clear that these folks ONLY wanted to vote for Bernie, and really did not care about any Democrats down ticket who would also benefit from their support.
Sanders is NOT attracting new Democrats to help elect a Democratic majority to take back control of the House and the Senate from the Republicans, while also retaining control of the White House.
For the most part he is attracting young anarchists who really just want to see the entire system upended so that they can see a new, more socialist form of government take its place.
I am not sure how that really helps any of us moving forward.
I am going to include this article from Investor's Business Daily here at the bottom for you to read.
I want to say upfront that I consider it a hit piece on Sanders and should be read with that thought in mind, however it also brings up a number of points that will surely be used in political attacks against Sanders if he were to win the nomination.
Bernie Sanders has dubbed his presidential campaign a “political revolution,” but some of his supporters are rebelling against the very party he is hoping to lead.
A voluble group of die-hard Sanders backers is vowing online that it’s “Bernie or Bust,” saying they will never support his presidential primary opponent — and, at this point, likely Democratic nominee — Hillary Clinton.
Despite these glimmers of reconciliation with his rival, Sanders may have unleashed a rebellion that will be beyond his power to control when it comes time to unify the party. Some “Bernie or Bust” stalwarts say they won’t back Clinton even if Sanders joins her ticket.
Now see this is why I have a problem taking many of Bernie's supporters seriously.
Hillary supporters are going to vote for the Democratic nominee, even if it is not their candidate, because that is what grownups do.
I mentioned that I spoke to a couple of Sanders supporters at the caucus in Anchorage yesterday.
All of them, including the guy too stoned to talk to me, admitted that this was the first time that they had been politically engaged.
When I asked them why they supported Bernie they essentially rattled off a laundry list of policy positions, most of which Hillary also shares with Sanders.
However it became pretty clear that these folks ONLY wanted to vote for Bernie, and really did not care about any Democrats down ticket who would also benefit from their support.
Sanders is NOT attracting new Democrats to help elect a Democratic majority to take back control of the House and the Senate from the Republicans, while also retaining control of the White House.
For the most part he is attracting young anarchists who really just want to see the entire system upended so that they can see a new, more socialist form of government take its place.
I am not sure how that really helps any of us moving forward.
I am going to include this article from Investor's Business Daily here at the bottom for you to read.
I want to say upfront that I consider it a hit piece on Sanders and should be read with that thought in mind, however it also brings up a number of points that will surely be used in political attacks against Sanders if he were to win the nomination.