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Thursday, 17 March 2016

Oregon man goes on shooting spree inside his own home because, well "he had all these guns."

Image courtesy of Raw Story
Courtesy of KITV: 

Oregon City Police Department arrested Steven Scholz, 66, after they say he intentionally "shot up" his home Saturday morning. Police say Scholz fired his gun multiple times and its bullets hit neighboring houses and a parked car. 

"I figured I'd just shoot at random because I had all these guns," Scholz said. 

During a jailhouse interview, Scholz said he wouldn't have fired his gun if he'd known his neighbors were home. 

"Hurting my neighbors is the last thing I want to do," Scholz adds. "I love them guys, I would lay down my life for them. They have families; I have nothing." 

Scholz's next door neighbor Deanna Segura said multiple bullets went through her home and one bullet missed her son by about a minute.

The NRA urges everybody to buy as many guns and as much ammunition as possible because President Obama is coming to take our guns, and of course terrorists are lurking behind every bush, and then nothing ever happens.

So there you are staring at your vast collection of guns and piles of ammo thinking, "Well I have to do SOMETHING with it."

Makes perfect sense.

More guns in the hands of Americans means more senseless shootings and more people put in jeopardy. I don't know why this is so hard for people to understand. 


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