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Saturday, 6 January 2018

Donald Trump takes to Twitter to essentially reinforce the allegations in Michael Wolff's new book.

So that was from yesterday, when Trump decided to once again go on a tirade against Steve Bannon and this new book by Michael Woff.

However one of the things that the book pointed out is that Trump gave people nicknames in order to help remember them, and often repeated the same stories or phrases over and over again.

Which brings us to this tweet by Michael Moore yesterday.
So you can check off that box as correct.

Wolff also said that EVERYBODY in Trump's inner circle talked about how stupid he was behind his back, while he was constantly bragging about his intellect.

Allow me to present today's unhinged tweets.
#stablegenius is now trending on Twitter.

Just in case you are numbed by Trump's constant barrage of crazy, and are having trouble identifying mental instability, this is actually insane.

You go ahead and Google the last time a sitting president decided to announce to the world that they were a genius. Go ahead, I'll wait here.

Yeah, it never happened before. Because to do so would indicate a lack of intelligence.

Or even more likely, a mental health problem.

So in just a handful of tweets Trump himself has reinforced the validity of much of what Michael Wolff has described in his now bestselling book.

And he did while clearly believing he was defending himself against the allegations.


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