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Saturday, 5 March 2016

Ben Carson drops out, after finally opening his eyes enough to see the obvious.

Courtesy of NBC News: 

Ben Carson on Friday announced he is "leaving the campaign trail" after a string of disappointing finishes in the GOP presidential primary contests and urged his former Republican rivals for more civility. 

"There's a lot of people who love me, they just won't vote for me," Carson said during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference taking place outside Washington, D.C. 

The announcement was expected after Carson released a statement saying he does "not see a political path forward" after this week's Super Tuesday contests. He did not participate in Thursday's GOP debate in Michigan.

I like how these folks always use the term "suspends" when what they mean is "get the hell out." 

Let's face it Ben Carson NEVER stood a chance anyhow.

Not only is it very unlikely that the GOP will nominate a black man for president EVER, but his election cycle in particular is defined by racism and intolerance.

I think I might actually miss Ben Carson a little.

I mean sure he was fun to mock, with his talk of Pyramid grain silos and his apparent narcolepsy, but he was also one the few folks in this race not acting like a middle school bully.


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