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Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Trump's lie to James Comey about not spending the night in Moscow after the 2013 Miss Universe pageant has been officially blown to shit.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast: 

In a fateful private White House dinner early last year, President Donald Trump raised with then-FBI Director James Comey the issue of “the golden showers thing”—a particularly salacious portion of an intelligence dossier claiming Trump hired Russian prostitutes to urinate on a Moscow hotel-room bed in 2013, while he was in town for the Miss Universe pageant. 

According to Comey’s memos about that conversation, Trump claimed it was impossible for him to have done any such thing, because “he had spoken to people who had been on... the trip with him and they had reminded him that he didn’t stay over night in Russia for that.” 

All available evidence proves otherwise—from flight records obtained by Politico to social media posts from the time to testimony from Trump’s own bodyguard. And now there’s more proof. 

Thomas Roberts, host of that year’s Miss Universe pageant, confirmed to The Daily Beast on Tuesday that Trump was in Moscow for one full night and at least part of another. 

“The first time I met Donald Trump it was in Moscow on November 8th, 2013,” the former NBC anchor said. “I taped a sit-down interview with Trump the next day on November 9th. That was also the date for the Miss Universe broadcast.” 

Roberts continued: “During the after-party for the Miss Universe event, Mr. Trump offered to fly me and my husband back to New York. He said he would be leaving directly from the party. We were unable to accept the invitation. That was the early morning hours of November 10th.”

I actually resisted reporting on this earlier because the only account we have that Trump said this is from Comey, who the Trump folks will simply discount as a liar.

However now that so much information has come out that Trump DID lie to the former director of the FBI, and now that so many news outlets have reported it, I think it is important to note here on IM as well.

You know, just to keep a record of the number of lies that Trump has told since announcing his intention to make a run at the White House.

Which I think is well into the hundreds by now. 

Besides, from what we have seen Comey took meticulous notes to back up his version of events, and has not been shown to be wrong yet. 

Habitual liars like Donald Trump will quite literally lie about ANYTHING, even if they know they will be caught, and even if it really does not serve them to do so.

Simply put, they cannot help it.


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