Courtesy of Crooks and Liars:
CONAN: Was there a moment for you when you thought, "I'm not part of what those people may be, Republicans, or that person may be a Republican, but I'm not going with that?"
WALLACE: I mean, honestly, I think in 2008 to work for John McCain, who is also in pretty bad shape health-wise, to see that Sarah Palin's crowds were bigger and more enthusiastic for the crazy things she was saying, than him, was really the canary in the mine and the signal the party had changed.
CONAN: Telling you something was happening in this country that was angrier.
CONAN: And more extreme. Darker.
WALLACE: Yes. so she gave me my first shove, Trumpism gave me my last kick out the door.
We have said it many times before here on IM, but it bears repeating.
Without Sarah Palin there would have been NO Donald Trump.
She helped to create the anti-intellectual, hating on the media, deny all reality, blueprint that Trump followed all the way to the White House.
The thing is we KNEW she was dangerous, that is why I focused on her here at the Immoral Minority.
But while I was working to undermine her chances of destroying the country, Trump came riding down that stupid escalator and started to out Palin Palin.
I mean hell, who thought THIS was literally the best way for anybody to start to campaign for president?
I certainly didn't.
CONAN: Was there a moment for you when you thought, "I'm not part of what those people may be, Republicans, or that person may be a Republican, but I'm not going with that?"
WALLACE: I mean, honestly, I think in 2008 to work for John McCain, who is also in pretty bad shape health-wise, to see that Sarah Palin's crowds were bigger and more enthusiastic for the crazy things she was saying, than him, was really the canary in the mine and the signal the party had changed.
CONAN: Telling you something was happening in this country that was angrier.
CONAN: And more extreme. Darker.
WALLACE: Yes. so she gave me my first shove, Trumpism gave me my last kick out the door.
We have said it many times before here on IM, but it bears repeating.
Without Sarah Palin there would have been NO Donald Trump.
She helped to create the anti-intellectual, hating on the media, deny all reality, blueprint that Trump followed all the way to the White House.
The thing is we KNEW she was dangerous, that is why I focused on her here at the Immoral Minority.
But while I was working to undermine her chances of destroying the country, Trump came riding down that stupid escalator and started to out Palin Palin.
I mean hell, who thought THIS was literally the best way for anybody to start to campaign for president?
I certainly didn't.