Courtesy of the Tassel Twirling Trump Tramp's Facebook page:
For President: who is best on national debt, the economy, jobs?
*Who's the only candidate who hasn't voted to add to our $19 trillion debt, and...
*hasn't voted for Obama's devastating fast-tracked TPP trade deal;
*is expert on national and international trade and economics, actually understanding our destructive, unbalanced trade deals that are struck as favors for the cause of crony capitalism;
*operates in the real world on balanced budgets instead of supporting annual unsustainable deficits, recklessly rolling along spending other people's money;
*actually creates private sector jobs to secure the middle class instead of supporting bureaucratic agencies that chase our businesses out of country;
*hasn't enticed illegal immigrants with taxpayers' "free stuff" - and even their gifts of teddy bears and soccer balls - to illegally cross the border and take American jobs for corporate campaign donors' cheap labor;
*inappropriately prioritized tax dollars that's led to illegals receiving better care than our Vets;
*understands and supports Constitutional government and rule of law - which is abused by politicians supporting their exemption from laws they foist on you, including Obamacare; citizen's tax laws; FOIA, disclosure, and privacy rules; etc.
*has self-funded months of his campaign to break donor class shackles that own other candidates;
*hasn't lived off the government teat an entire career but, like you, has had to put up with an out-of-control government while working, building, employing, generously giving, and creating equal opportunity for families to reach their American dream?
*... and whose unarguable record of success proves the will and ability to fight victoriously for our country, which will empower We the People to make America great again?
I don't know guys who do you think she could be talking about here?
Boy that's a stumper.
You know I'm not a Republican by any means, but I have come up with a list of criteria that I would certainly assume that conservatives would look for in their next Commander-in-Chief.
I mean they certainly USED to be among the prerequisites.
How about:
*Has not been married three times.
*Did not cheat on his wife.
*Did not donate money to Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton, on a regular basis.
*Has not had four businesses declare bankruptcy.
*Did not openly disrespect a former GOP presidential candidate, and war hero.
*Doesn't misquote the Bible.
I could of course go on. And on. And on. But I think you get the gist.
Now once again I am certainly NO conservative, but in my many years of following politics evidence has shown that usually any one of these would have disqualified a Republican candidate from being seriously considered for the job as President.
Not only that but from what I have seen during my time reporting on Sarah Palin she should by all rights be shouting from the mountaintops against any person that had one or more of the above black marks on their record.
But something seems to have changed (money) and try as I might (money) I cannot seem to figure (money) out what.
You know it's almost as if every thing we have heard about what it means to be a conservative was pure bullshit all along. But that can't be right, can it?
For President: who is best on national debt, the economy, jobs?
*Who's the only candidate who hasn't voted to add to our $19 trillion debt, and...
*hasn't voted for Obama's devastating fast-tracked TPP trade deal;
*is expert on national and international trade and economics, actually understanding our destructive, unbalanced trade deals that are struck as favors for the cause of crony capitalism;
*operates in the real world on balanced budgets instead of supporting annual unsustainable deficits, recklessly rolling along spending other people's money;
*actually creates private sector jobs to secure the middle class instead of supporting bureaucratic agencies that chase our businesses out of country;
*hasn't enticed illegal immigrants with taxpayers' "free stuff" - and even their gifts of teddy bears and soccer balls - to illegally cross the border and take American jobs for corporate campaign donors' cheap labor;
*inappropriately prioritized tax dollars that's led to illegals receiving better care than our Vets;
*understands and supports Constitutional government and rule of law - which is abused by politicians supporting their exemption from laws they foist on you, including Obamacare; citizen's tax laws; FOIA, disclosure, and privacy rules; etc.
*has self-funded months of his campaign to break donor class shackles that own other candidates;
*hasn't lived off the government teat an entire career but, like you, has had to put up with an out-of-control government while working, building, employing, generously giving, and creating equal opportunity for families to reach their American dream?
*... and whose unarguable record of success proves the will and ability to fight victoriously for our country, which will empower We the People to make America great again?
I don't know guys who do you think she could be talking about here?
Boy that's a stumper.
You know I'm not a Republican by any means, but I have come up with a list of criteria that I would certainly assume that conservatives would look for in their next Commander-in-Chief.
I mean they certainly USED to be among the prerequisites.
How about:
*Has not been married three times.
*Did not cheat on his wife.
*Did not donate money to Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton, on a regular basis.
*Has not had four businesses declare bankruptcy.
*Did not openly disrespect a former GOP presidential candidate, and war hero.
*Doesn't misquote the Bible.
I could of course go on. And on. And on. But I think you get the gist.
Now once again I am certainly NO conservative, but in my many years of following politics evidence has shown that usually any one of these would have disqualified a Republican candidate from being seriously considered for the job as President.
Not only that but from what I have seen during my time reporting on Sarah Palin she should by all rights be shouting from the mountaintops against any person that had one or more of the above black marks on their record.
But something seems to have changed (money) and try as I might (money) I cannot seem to figure (money) out what.
You know it's almost as if every thing we have heard about what it means to be a conservative was pure bullshit all along. But that can't be right, can it?